Monday, April 12, 2010

Party help! please and thank ya!?

ok, so my birthday is in march, and i wanted to have a valentine's day party. please give me some ideas for both. thank you to ANY acceptable suggestions. much appriciation (sorry i can't spell. lol)

1. Valentine's Day Party

i need some help with everything from nvites to games!!! thank you!!1

2. Birthday Party

i wanted to have a dog party (i have about 15 dogs, so yea... makes sense. and i love dogs. lol) i need a few games, and some decoration ideas. thank you!!!

Party help! please and thank ya!?
15 DOGS? YEA RITE..........U WISH!!!!!
Reply:Well for valentines day, try like a get together dance/hang out party... get like a good dj, or mixed music, and get a bunch of people together and dance, get snacks and watch some movies. And as for your birthday....have every one bring their dogs.. haha(your parents would love you...)

as for games depending on how old you are... try something that will get you closer to your crush or what ever you perfer to call them.

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