Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hey Dem's...Which party is responsible for????

Today's so-called democrat party is really a distribution of two parts, the sophisticated and the naive. Or more aptly, the Elitists and the Disciples as will be shown.

They have been called Leftists, Extreme left, Anti-war left, Anti-war progressives, Liberals, Liberal Democrats, Conservative Democrats, Progressive Democrats, New Democrats, Progressives, Socialists and to non-revisionist historians they have been likened to the Tories of the American Revolution who were not averse to sabotage and to selling us back to England.

The true platform of the so-called democrat party has been unfolding in an incremental manner since the New Deal days of Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson until today it is unabashedly the standard bearer for the philosophy of Karl Marx with its giant aim on continued higher taxes, perpetual larger government and eroded individual and property rights. Although Lenin referred to his western world allies as "useful idiots" a more accurate description would have been "useless idiots." A review of the recent history of this alleged Democrat party is quite revealing.

Which party sided with Communist countries Nicaragua and El Salvador and protested any aid of any kind to the freedom fighters of these nations? Which party refused aid to Afghanistan when it was raided by Communist Russia. Which party gave away the Panama Canal, a project which had not only cost the American taxpayer billions in creation but also opened the door for the eventual take-over of this strategic transport maritime site by the Chinese?

Which party was responsible for sending us into a Korean and Vietnamese war without providing the necessary arms for battle to its own Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force? Which party was directly responsible for sending back a child to Communist Cuba whose mother gave up her life in order that the child live in a free society? Which party donated billions of our tax dollars to the Russians for the alleged dismantling of its obsolescent nuclear missiles while allowing it the wiggle to build bigger and better ones? Which party has continuously thrown up road blocks in the attempts to develop and research the necessary weaponry for the defense of our country in a nuclear age?

Which party was responsible for the drive to downgrade and decimate the total military force of the United States. Which party was responsible for disregarding the Constitution and allowing the debacles at Waco and Ruby Ridge? Which party underhandedly sold classified technical secrets to the Chinese and used the White House as its Merchandise Mart by selling bedrooms and gala parties for election time fund raising?

Which party detoured the final impeachment process of a president whose legacy is bemired in the most corrupt, insidious and treacherous presidency in our history? Which party was and is responsible for keeping us from drilling for our own oil and thus retaining a dependency on other nations for this crucial and possibly nation-saving commodity? Which party was obviously willing to shred our Constitution in the interest of winning a presidential election at any cost even to the extent of its own democrat packed Florida Supreme Court shunning its state constitution and the rule of law? Which party did everything in its power to negate the military votes in the last presidential election? Which party has continued to fight for gun control and for keeping the American citizen from the wherewithal of self defense. Which party is in constant attack mode on American commercial corporations and American industry as a methodology to weakening the Capitalist and Free Enterprise System? Which party is in constant programming mode for our subservience to the United Nations. An organization dominated by despotic third world countries and which numbers itself amongst the most corrupt political entities on the globe.

Which party, upon leaving the White House ransacked Air Force One, looted, destroyed and pillaged the White House? Which party castigated Bush #1 for not continuing the move into Baghdad and has been crucifying Bush #2 for doing so.

This is the party which created and introduced political correctness to the point of national paralysis. This is the party which loves the poor people because they are the easiest prey. This is the party which has fomented the concept of reverse discrimination as the answer to discrimination. This is the party which history will prove has been wrong on all counts.

It is time for the Disciple Democrats to wake up and smell the problem. Your Elitists are not your allies. The United States of America is under siege. The fact that the so called democrat party is really the Socialist Party of the United States has never been more evident. This premise is primarily due to the fact that the total liberal platform follows the cardinal principles of Karl Marx and the implementation genius of Vladimir Lenin. The scenario we saw in Florida was programmed and we saw the Socialists, for the first time, actually taking a firm stance in order to test the system and the safeguards of our Constitutional Republic.

To those who doubt, it is about time that a better acquaintanceship with Marx be made as well as reading and listening to the Liberals Political Platform. The concepts of divide and conquer as well as fomenting class envy are two of the common denominators.

Hey Dem's...Which party is responsible for????
Big fan of Hannity and Limbaugh aren't you.
Reply:That's a lot of chum, but it's rancid. I ain't takin' the bait.
Reply:... and the republicans are like letting the fox watch the hen-house

6 from 1, half-a-dozen of the other ... How bad are things when the democrats are the better choice
Reply:blah blah blah

write a book

cut it down to a paragraph and maybe I'll read it
Reply:question is too long. You need to put in George Bush's form of reading information. I would suggest Cat in the Hat or a hilarious episode of Spongebob
Reply:I don't like the Domocratic party at all, but I think the Republicans have been doing a poor job as well. They compromise by increasing the size of government, increasing government regulations and laws, raising taxes, and essentially acting just like democrats. I'm voting for Ron Paul, maybe that will shake up DC, otherwise it's about time to start stocking up on canned goods and making sure my garden does well.
Reply:I am sorry to inform you,,,actually i take joy in informing you that you have studied and rationalized in vain,,,,

Liberals are free of brainwashing,,, i know it hurts to think that you are not too intelligent, but it is not intelligence, it is consciousness.....

try more sex and then get high a few times.... you will grow
Reply:Too long a rant to bother with. Just another radical opinion. A long one by a radical who thinks they are more intelligent than the average person. I will answer in one sentence. When did the republicans become the party of by the rich, for the rich and of the rich?
Reply:your preaching to the choir here brother!
Reply:Democrats have been nothing but a disaster for the United States and have progressively gotten worse as they became more and more extreme left.
Reply:Oh the above comments are ASTOUNDING proof of why contemporary liberals and progressives are so ignorant of reality!

If it’s not Rosie O’Donnell puking her hatred for America and Christians on TV they don’t have the attention span required to comprehend!

Keep on exposing yourselves!!!

Nice read BTW, you should head over to and read some of the essays. MARXISM AND AMERICAN SOCIETY by David A. Noebel in particular.

"The enemy is whoever is going to get you killed, whichever side they are on.”

I would say the ignorant little sticks above who don’t have attention span enough to read your post and are consequently voting totalitarian socialists into government are going to get us all killed.
Reply:Republicans and Democrats are too alike.

Both are instigators and alienate.
Reply:Answer: Democrat party.
Reply:Superior analysis, must have taken awhile to pull it all together but it was worth it. You should save it for future use.

To answer the question.

Democratic Secular Socialists aka the Democratic Party
Reply:Some truth lots of hype. Curious George has isolated us run up our dedbt after ur arch enemy Clinton balanced it. He and his oil buddy's have doubled gas prices exported much of economy to china and india slept thru the warning signs of 9/11 decimated te justice dept, killed 3600 americans in his attempt to finish daddy's war but at least he didn't nail an intern
Reply:Time for your meds and then maybe some checkers in the day room.
Reply:Click here to see the Democrats response to your treatise:

"A lie, grounded in human desire, is too powerful for reason to kill." --David Horowitz, a reformed leftist.

It's a waste of a conservative's time and energy to try to convert an idealist leftist to conservatism. Talking logically to one who responds illogically can make you feel like your head wants to explode. So, don't even try. Some leftists will, over time, come to realize on their own that what they believe is Fantasy Land. Others will never make the leap; their desire for Utopia is too strong for reason to kill. And these people will forever be the pawns of the Elitists.

i i lost my readin glasses!!!

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