Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving party decision help?

my aunt just emailed me and said that she is having a thanksgiving party. she didnt say what day so i emailed her back. well i really wanted to go to this other thanksgiving party on wednesday night. if my aunts party is also on wednesday, which party should i go to?

I dont want to hurt my aunts feelings for not going but i would be hurting my friends feeling by not going to the other party. i will let you know when my aunt has her party. pray that it isn't on the same day.

Thanx for all your help

Thanksgiving party decision help?
If it turns out your Aunt's party is the same night tell her that you're really sorry but you already committed to your friend for that night. If she is upset try to see if maybe you can just pop into her party for a few minutes on your way to the other party. Good Luck.
Reply:Spend time at both parties. Stay at your aunts for a while then go to your friends party.
Reply:go to the 1 you are committed to but if different times maybe you can make a appearance.happy holidays
Reply:If the parties conflict then the party you accepted an invitation to first wins.

If you told your friends you were going to be there, that's where you have to go.

Are you sure your aunt isn't inviting you to Thanksgiving? (I've never even heard of a Thanksgiving party, just the day itself.)

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